
Military Couple ( VRChat 3D Model 3.0 Physbones )

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Military Couple ( VRChat 3D Model 3.0 Physbones )


**Military Couple**

>>-- Ready Scene. 2019 Unity. FBT Ready. Dance Ready. SDK3. Poi 7.3.050. Physbones. (Pc Only)--<<


***DO NOT***

⋆ Upload Publicly
⋆ Re-sell the package
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⋆Share it with anyone
⋆ Only the two People there named in here are alllowed to use it
Do Not reuse any off the Assets or Textures used on this Model, you may Buy the Original Version from the Original Creators*

if you have any questions, just massage me (Zoe Adr#4514)

I want this!

Unity Package Of kira and kai separately

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